Rapé | Murici

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Rapé | Murici


Huni Kuin Tribe

Murici Medicinal Rapé

Origin: Brazilian Amazon- Huni Kuin Tribe ( Kaxinawás) (15 grams)

This rapé is known as “The warrior blend”.
This sacred dust of the ancients is a more masculine blend.

It aids in the physical cleansing, specifically working with the energies that accumulate in the lower part of the body; the lower chakras . It elevates the first second chakra ( root & sacral) and cleanses sexual trauma & different stagnant energies in the womb. ( sometimes from sexual abuse or traumas or experiences that we hold there). This includes ancestral trauma.

It helps to regulate your sexual energy and then travels to the heart chakra and delivers that life force energy straight into your heart, infusing your heart with love and compassion.
Murici works straight from this energetic center that regulates our healthy sexuality, to assist us in letting go and freeing ourselves from whatever causes us suffering through love and compassion, as well as embracing the sacred enjoyment of this energy that generates life inside of us & outside of us.
When we cultivate the health of this vital life force energy, we can replenish our energetic reserves & enjoy personal acceptance, self love, connection with our bodies, longevity, vibrant sexual health, and a natural enthusiasm for life.

It is an amazing vitamin c boost straight up through the blood brain barrier and into the body, immune system & lymphatic. It is the most medicinal snuff.

It is said that other physical benefits of the Murici are anti-inflammatory, fever inhibitor, soothing to gastrointestinal tract and diarrhea, and can help reduce the symptoms of the common cold, including inflammation, runny nose, infections of the throat, and body aches.

It opens up a tangible connection with your higher-self and creates a deep calm inner space. This plant medicine is very powerful, profoundly healing, and cleansing on many levels. The use of rapé aims to connect one to the spirits of nature while invoking that power to bring about physical and spiritual healing. Rapé also instantaneously opens & aligns the entire chakra system.

The tribes believe it facilitates the opening and clearing of the chakras & facilitates a sense of grounding and connection to the earth. Some believe it supports the release of disease from the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. It helps to open the third eye chakra, decalcifies the pineal gland, & clears mental fog & confusion. It helps to release negative thought patterns and helps support our connection to our breath and connection to spirit.

What is Rapé ?

Rapé, pronounced ‘ha-pey’, is a tradition used by various indigenous tribes of South America. Predominantly from the tribes people of Brazil and Peru. Rapé is a snuff which is blown into each nostril administered through a pipe known as ‘ Tepi’ or ‘ kuripe’ for self serve, which is either made of hallow bone or bamboo. Each tribe has their own formula of plants, trees, & seeds, most commonly combined with a pure form from the Amazon and an ash called Tsunu, Murici, Yarumo, or Inga. The rapé is prepared in a ritualistic way by specific members of the tribe. In this case, this beautiful medicine is made by the Huni Kuin Tribe.
All proceeds go back to the tribe.
In addition, buy 1, plant 1 Moringa Tree.
Help to end malnutrition in remote areas.

The tribe, Mother Earth, & I thank you for your beautiful support.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product does not intend to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.

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